TryHackMe | Opacity Writeup
TryHackMe | Opacity Writeup
Hello friend!
In this writeup we gonna explore another ctf from TryHackMe called Opacity.
Machine Link:
Difficulty: Easy
Info-gathering and enumaration
After basic Nmap scan, we got open ports
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.5 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.41 ((Ubuntu))
139/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 4.6.2
445/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 4.6.2
Let’s directory enumration it and we got access to functionality that was login protected.
I tried several php revshell upload, but it was taking jpg to be successfully uploaded, so I just need to bypass it, just rename php-revshell as follow and we can upload it.
Initial Shell Access
After uploading our reverse shell, we can start netcat listner on our local machine and we just need to visit the link.
And boom!!!, we got sell access.
Privilege Escalation
User Access
First we are now as www-data user with no permission but just can navigate into file systems.
So while exploring the files, i got some interesting file in the /opt
But unfortunetaly we have no permission to explore this, but I managed to copy this file to local machine.
And I found that this is Keepass Database file, Keepass KDBX is the file format used by KeePass, a free and open-source password manager. It’s essentially a container that securely stores all sensitive information, like passwords, login credentials, and other confidential data, but access to this was password protected, so after some research I found that John the Ripper is capable to crack it’s password.
So lets crack it.
After John cracks the password, we can access the database using keepassxc
In the database, we got login credentials for the user sysadmin
Root Access
For the root access, we can try several methods, but in the home directory of the user, we have some hints, there is /script folder, which is owned by the root user.
After exploring this folder, I found script.php which is being run by root user every minute.
So we have no permition to edit ay of this folder’s file, but here is a flow, this root user owned folder is inside the sysadmin’s home directory, so we can rename it, can create our new scripts folder and can run our malicious php script to as root user. So I just renamed old folder and created new one with old same name, and inside it, I created script.php with pentestmonkey revshell payload and start a netcat listner on my local machine, and after one minute, boom! we got root shell!
That’s all guys, I know there are more methods to root a machine, so share me if you have any different.
Signing Out ~ 0xBug